Kirkpatrick Fleming Oral History Project

Wednesday 19 November - 2:30pm
Alastair Duncan will speak in Pathfoot C2 on Kirkpatrick Fleming, the parish and village immediately north of Gretna, just off the M74. It is out of the ordinary only in that it has been particularly well studied over the last 25 years, thanks to a legacy left for this purpose by a native of the village.

 Alastair writes: As another native of the village – my father was minister there during the War – I proposed to the Ann Hill Bequest Committee that they should commission an oral history project, which they then asked me to conduct. My wife Catriona and I have worked on this project together. We now have over 30 hours of recordings of individuals and groups. As the village is 12 miles from the English border we have got some interesting reactions to the whole question of national identity and of views on the referendum.